Sunday, October 26, 2008

the weekend

On Friday my unit went to Rocky Mountain National Park for a hike. It was really beautiful and there was snow as we got higher up into the mountains. My friend and I hiked up to "Cub Lake" and that was really pretty. After we hiked for a couple hours, we headed back to campus to find out our permanent teams, which was supposed to be at 4pm. We didn't get back til 6 though because of the traffic. Once we got there we were each given a piece of a puzzle and we had to find other people whose puzzle went with ours.
Once we got the puzzle together it gave us a license plate number and we found the van that corresponded with it. Our van driver, whose name was Elizabeth, was wearing a really creepy mask and we thought she was our team leader, but she wouldn't talk to us. Once we were all in the van she drove up campus around in circles until she switched with another van driver, who was Andi. So then we thought Andi was our team leader, but she dropped us off and left us with a note that we had to decode with letters corresponding to numbers. The clue said "roses are red, violets are blue, you should go to the third floor of walsh [our dorm]"
After we got to the third floor there was a note telling us to go to the bottom floor where we found Mike, our actual team leader. We met as a team and had dinner, where Mike told us we are going somewhere in Texas for our first project, and then we called it a night. On Saturday we went roller skating as a team, where I won a dance contest that I didn't even know I was in. They asked anyone who wanted to do the "cha cha slide" to line up on the line, and I went out with 5 of my teammates and about 15 little kids. I danced the whole thing ridiculously and then at the end they said they would announce the winner. I had no idea it was a competition, and was surprised when the woman skated up to me and handed me a "winner" ticket that I could trade in at the counter for a flashy ball prize. What a day.
On Sunday I went to Boulder with 3 friends and walked around Pearl Street before meeting up with my cousin Oliver. We all went to an Oxygen bar where two of my friends got oxygen, which was interesting to watch. Then we went up to the mountains for a hike and climed up some really high rocks and sat at the top. Afterwards we all got frozen yogurt. It was a really great to come!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a random course of events. I'd put the cha-cha skating contest win on your resume under "Awards and Recognition". Hah! The hikes sound really great - glad you are getting out and exploring the countryside.

    Jess sent me her B-ball schedule so we may try and make one of her games.

    Love and miss you,

