So I realized I have not been very good at keeping up with this. There is not much to report though, because we have mostly been sitting in classrooms all day doing training for various things like van safety and cpr training. I am now officially certified to perform cpr and other emergency maneuvers. The woman who ran the cpr training was...difficult. She felt the need to add to her 7 hours of lecturing with personal anecdotes like the time her stepmother tried to drive her father who was having a heart attack to the hospital instead of calling and amubulance. She added that her father died and her stepmother got what she deserved. Whoa.
I had to go to urgent care on Wednesday because I was having chest pain for a couple days that was getting worse. I tried to see the doctor here but she said she couldn't evaluate chest pain, so I had to go to urgent care. They told me I had inflamed cartilage in my ribs or Costochondritis. I took ibuprofin for a couple days and it went away.
During the week we also did tool training and various team building activities. On Saturday we left campus at 6:15 to go to city park and build trails, which is what we trained for on Monday of last week. We got there and waited to get our team of 10 people to go start working, but they underestimated the number of people they were getting, so my partner and I never ended up getting a team. A bunch of the corps members who didn't get teams ended up working together. It was pretty cool to see all these huge piles of gravel turn into a trail in just a few hours. Afterwards there was some live music and really good mediterranean food. The mayor even came out and talked to all of us. It was about 85 degrees and sunny, which made it a nice (but pretty hot) day.
Sunday was gorgeous weather again and I spent the day laying outside and reading. My friend Jess Wurtz from Bryn Mawr who lives near Colorado Springs came to visit in the evening and we went to a bar to watch the Redsox game.
The week was kind of rough in terms of so much classroom time, and a few people are really getting on my nerves, but I also feel like I have made better friends this week. A bunch of us went bowling one night, and i went out to eat with some other people, so that has been nice getting to know people better.
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