Monday, March 26, 2007

RUnning men

On Sunday I decided I would be brave and go for a run. I’ve wanted to run since I have been here, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to run around here. I have been thinking though that it isn’t very dangerous, so off I went. I left the neighborhood and was going to run down the main road, as far as I could go and the come back. As soon as I started on the road, three men started running after me, fully dressed. I thought they would run a few steps and then stop, but they didn’t. After a couple minutes, as cars started to slow down to a stop for men to talk to me and the guys behind me still hadn’t stopped running, I turned around and ran back home. The guys still followed me, but not into my neighborhood. As I entered the neighborhood though, a very drunk (or maybe just unbalanced) man held his arms out towards me, but I ran by. I ran around the apartment buildings a little bit, and then decided maybe it would be better to just do some sprints in the area between buildings. On the second sprint, some people on the first floor opened up their curtains and windows and were watching me and laughing and saying things. Ugh…I wish so badly sometimes that I could blend in just a little more.
Speaking of running, the Cross Country World Championships were on Saturday and were held in Mombasa. I watched them on TV and they were actually really interesting. It was extremely hot there, as Mombasa usually is…about 90 degrees and humid. The first race was the women’s juniors (under 18). A group of 4 Kenyans were in the lead, followed by 3 Ethiopians. Apparently Kenya and Ethiopia have a huge running rivalry, as both are really strong in the sport. Anyway, 3 of the leading Kenyans and all of the 3 Ethiopians thought that their second to last lap was their last, so they sprinted to the finish and stopped. But there was still one more lap! The 4th Kenyan kept running, and ended up winning. The Kenyan who was in first, tried to catch back up, but ended up passing out on the track and had to be carried off. It was a crazy race! Also, they showed the finish line as each girl crossed, and every single one of them collapsed from heat exhaustion immediately after finishing and had to be carried off. I really felt bad for the North Americans and Europeans who have been used to cold weather for the past couple months.
Then in the men’s Senior (over 18) race, this guy Bekele from Ethiopia was neck and neck with this Eritrean guy for a lot of the race. Then Bekele took the lead, but later slowed down as if to let the Eritrean guy (sorry I don’t know his name) catch up. Then they were neck and neck again, but a few minutes later the Eritrean guy took off and gained a HUGE lead. As his lead increased, Bekele (who has apparently won a ton of medals in cross country and set many records) just stopped and walked off the track! The announcers said later that he had stomach cramps. So the Eritrean won! Wow, I have never found watching running so exciting before : )


  1. Your running on Sunday sounds like a scene from a movie (but not a particularly funny scene). Does Chippa run? I wonder what would happen if you ran with him. (you'd still be very conspicuous but you'd have a body guard?)

  2. that was me, Mama! I can't seem to get my identity to work. (:

  3. p.s. predicate nominative (that was I, Mama)

    now you'll look and see that you have a bunch of comments posted but really they don't say anything.

    how's this? I love you to pieces.

  4. Maybe the men were just imitating your style. I bet if you'd done some pirouettes or cartwheels, they would have done the same.

    Or maybe not.

    Next time you do sprints between the buildings and people come out to watch, you should take a bow at the end of your workout. If they're going to watch you as though you're the only one on a stage, you might as well get the curtain call!

    I don't have the identity problems that your mama seems to have, but I, also, love you to pieces. From here to there and back. Times infinity. Plus google.

  5. Yaay for the Kenya team!!!Woot! Woot! i love the crosscountry season, even though they ahd promised that it would definitely be a crunch finish. My mum gave me a blow-by-blow account of the events of the men's race yesterday. I agree with you asking for a bodyguard. Also, have you thought of going to the UoN Track and Running there, then geting a shower and change at the YWCA or YMCA? That may be safer.

  6. oh my gosh how scandalous!! that race is so symbolic for ethiopian/eritrean tensions, how poetic/athletic! i love yourblogs, keep on keeping onsarah :)! some reason my last blog didnt work, but ill find some other meansto communicate :)
