Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Melt Down

For some reason I was dreading the start of this week with C, and my psychic capabilities must have been on key because today C had meltdowns about EVERYTHING. The day started off normally, with him being happy I had come, and then showing me everything in the apartment he is not supposed to touch.

The first tantrum was about wanting a circle to be a square. He kept asking me to make his train tracks loop back a certain way to connect to the ones we had already built. When I started using the curved pieces to do this, he started ripping them out and screaming/crying/drooling--generally freaking out. I asked him what was wrong and he said he wanted it to be a square. I told him that if he wanted it to loop back, it had to be a circle, that a square wasn't going to work in the space we had. Tantrums ensued for the next twenty minutes.

The next tantrum he had was about wanting a white crayon to write on white paper. It was the only crayon, out of the 24 possible, that he wanted to use. And he wanted it to write on the white paper. Another 10 minute of crying.

The final (major) tantrum in the four hours I was with C this morning, was when we were halfway to the Franklin Institute, which is about a half mile from his house, and he decided he wanted to wear a different coat. He cried almost the entire way to the museum, because he wanted to change coats. Luckily, as I have said in a previous post, when he cries, he generally walks faster. I've become pretty good at blocking out the noise, though I still notice the stares I get as people walk by.

C had one more tantrum about wanting to go into his apartment building via another door, but it didn't last very long. He was probably just too exhausted from the all the "tantrumming" he had done earlier.

What a morning.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Poor C wants what he cannot have -- to be his parents' only child. And so he must rage at shapes, colors, coats and doors. so sad for him and so hard for you!

  3. Oh my, the white crayon on white paper...I have been through that with one of my charges. When I patiently showed him that the crayon wouldn't show up on white paper, and suggested using a sheet of black construction paper, he melted down screaming, "But I WANT it to show up! I just REALLY WANT IT TOOOOOOOO!" Believe me, kid, if I could wave a magic wand that would make it show up AND stop the screaming, I would...
