Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life With Six Kids Ages Three and Under

Now that I've introduced the kids I spend 40-50 hours a week with, I think I will start writing about what it's like to hang out with them all day. I'm going to refer to them by the initial of their first name, so that their names aren't repeated over and over on the internet, in association with my name. For privacy's sake--as much as you can have when posting publicly on the internet.

I've decided that three year olds, or maybe three year old boys specifically, are just weird. Weird doesn't necessarily have to mean bad, but they are strange little beings. They are entering a stage in their life when they are no longer babies, especially if they have younger siblings. They are encouraged to do things for themselves more, much to their dismay. They are taught and encouraged to use the toilet instead of the more convenient (and much preferred, in my experience) method of just going in their pants. They are told that crying and screaming doesn't get them what they want, although only a year or so back, it did. In sum, being three (or 2 and a half) is not as easy as you might think.

Three year olds are also trying to communicate more and are always learning new words and phrases that they attempt to incorporate into daily conversation. This can be pretty funny at times. I was in K's room with him the other day and there was a photo on his bookshelf of a man who looked like his uncle. I asked him if that was his uncle in the picture and confirmed that it was. I said, "What is your uncle's name?" to which he replied, "I don't rightly know!" His response cracked me up, and made me wonder where he had picked up the speech of a middle aged British man.


  1. "fraid I can't get it" comes to mind

  2. Hi there, old friend of your mom, who linked me to your blog. I'm a nanny to 3 under the age of seven - all in one family and have only this to add: the newly-four-year-old boy I take care of recently locked himself in the bathroom to, as he put it, "Pee all of the pee out of my body so I never have to pee again." So yes, boys of a certain age are strange. As are men. The. End. Oh, and hello. I'm Laura.

  3. Hahah, wow. That's a good one! Nice to meet you, Laura!
